Blue Hydrogen Production
Blue hydrogen production is being used to accelerate the transition to low-carbon energy. Blue hydrogen is a low carbon hydrogen that is produced using the process of steam methane reforming (SMR). The SMR process combines natural gas with steam in the presence of a catalyst causing a chemical reaction that creates hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Additional water is added to the mixture converting the carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide which produces even more hydrogen.
Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) technology is used during the production process to capture and store the carbon dioxide underground. When CCUS technology is used, blue hydrogen is carbon neutral and produces nearly zero emissions.
Blue Hydrogen Furnaces and Reactors
Lindberg/MPH manufacturers furnaces or reaction chambers that can be used for the production of blue hydrogen. Reactor tubes filled with natural gas and steam pass through the reaction chamber where they are heated to the temperature needed to create the process of steam methane reforming. This pass through design allows for continuous operation.
Blue hydrogen production furnaces are available as gas fired or electrically heated. The patent pending electrically heated chamber design option further reduced the carbon footprint of the process. Chamber sizes are custom engineered based on the customer’s process tube length and quantity. Advanced control capabilities are programmed to efficiently provide heat throughout the chamber at the optimal density to meet the customer’s specifications.
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