Tempering Steel in the Manufacturing Process – Part 2

jet engine turbineAs a continuation of last month’s blog on the tempering process, this month we will delve further into the process and its use in the aerospace industry. The required operating temperature used to temper steel varies according to the type of steel being treated and the intended metal properties.

Low-temperature tempering at 160 to 300° C is effective for case hardening of components and cold work tool steels, which are the high carbon steel manufacturers use to make tools. Tempering at 300 to 500° C in a tempering furnace is ideal for steel springs. High temperature tempering is performed at 500° C or higher on hot working tools used in pressure die casting, extrusion, and forging. These high-temperature tempering processes also strengthen high performance high-speed steels, which are capable of maintaining hardness at temperatures up to 500° C.

Tempering quenched steel reduces brittleness and improves ductility, which is the steel’s ability to withstand tensile stress. Nearly all steel containing more than 0.3 percent carbon will respond to tempering. Hardening and tempering produces steel that is the perfect combination of hardness and strength.

Maintaining a high level of durability is a key factor in the production of aerospace products. Products like, turbine blades, frames/ wings, and landing gears on planes are all tempered to ensure maximum strength and performance. The demands of aerospace conditions require all products to withstand a variety of conditions on and off the ground.

Tempering may be done in an air atmosphere furnace or in an atmosphere furnace. These furnaces can have maximum temperature ratings of up to 1400° C and provide the required heat uniformity for optimal results. Lindberg/MPH is an expert in the field of heat treat furnaces and custom-engineered equipment and systems. A couple of their commonly used furnaces for tempering processes include the HOMO® Tempering Pit Furnace and the Cyclone Box Furnace. Lindberg/MPH serves a number of industries that temper steel in their manufacturing processes, including automotive, aerospace, agriculture, energy/oil, and other industries.

Read about the benefits and features of Lindberg/MPH furnaces on our website. Be sure to follow Lindberg/MPH on both Facebook and LinkedIn for more information and product updates!